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Data Science & Analytics

This website contains information about the Data Mining, Data Science and Analytics Research conducted in the research team chaired by prof. dr. Bart Baesens and prof. dr. Seppe vanden Broucke at KU Leuven (Belgium).

Current topics of interest include:

→ Meet our research team

Great resources

Our team has authored an impressive amount of books on topics such as fraud analytics, big data, machine learning, credit risk, programming, and more. In addition, we’re glad to offer our researchers’ PhD theses available for download for free on this site as well.

→ More about our books

We also frequently organize classroom and e-learning courses on topics such as credit risk, machine learning, big data analytics and more.

→ More about our courses

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  • An e-mail newsletter every two weeks (or so)
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  • The essential guide for any data scientist or data-driven practitioner
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