Wouter Verbeke

Wouter Verbeke graduated cum laude as a Civil Engineer at the KU Leuven in February 2007. He worked as a scientific researcher at the traffic engineering department of the KU Leuven, conducting research on traffic simulation modeling, and as a risk analyst at KBC Bank and Insurance. He obtained his PhD at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the KU Leuven, department of decision sciences. His research focuses on the development and application of data mining techniques in marketing and finance. The topics he has been studying include:

  • Customer churn prediction
  • Credit rating migration modeling
  • Credit scoring for microfinance
  • Software effort prediction
  • Bayesian networks
  • Fuzzy classification and pattern trees
  • Including domain knowledge in rule induction techniques
  • Social networks

He also assists master student projects in cooperation with companies, and tutors exercise sessions in basic programming. Finally, he has been coordinating several workshops, seminars, and an international scientific conference.

Publications Wouter

Picture of Staff Member
Wouter received his PhD in 2012.
PhD Thesis
Picture of PhD thesis
Profit Driven Data Mining in Massive Customer Networks: New Insights and Algorithms